Copiii sub 14 ani pot calatori cu pasaport propriu. Copiii peste 14 ani, in cadrul Uniunii Europene pot calatori si cu cartea de identitate.
Cand un copil calatoreste ca si minor neinsotit, sau insotit de unul din parinti, trebuie sa aiba si un document eliberat de catre un notar prin care se specifica de ambii parinti sau dupa caz de unul din parinti sau tutore, prin care declara ca sunt de acord cu calatoria minorului in conditiile specificate mai multe informatii pe
In functie de destinatia dumneavostra vi se poate solicita un pasaport valid si o viza de calatorie. Multe companii aeriene verifica valabilitatea vizelor inainte de a lasa pasagerii sa se imbarce in avion. Ofiterii de la emigrari refuza intrarea in tara a calatorilor care nu au o viza valida.
Viza de calatorie poate fi ceruta la orice punct de intrare intr-o tara, chiar si in orasele de legatura.Verificati toate opririle si conexiunile cand solicitati informatii despre viza.
Pentru calatoriile internationale:
Turistii trebuie sa se asigure ca pasaportul este valabil inca 6 luni de la finalizare calatoriei si sa tina cont ca unele tari permit sederea doar pe baza acestui document.
Nu ezitați să ne sunați. Suntem o echipă de experți și suntem bucuroși să vă vorbim.
+40 764 132 363
Recently we made priceless memories and did a tour of the region of Transylvania over Halloween that included a fun Dracula piece. The trip was very well thought out and... read more planned with excursions, events and the perfect amount of time to relax on the bus between destinations. The tour guide, Monica has an extensive knowledge of the history of the area and keeps you interested and wanting to hear more. Monica also did a great job or bringing our group together to embrace the food and local customs and folklore. Monica also worked to make sure had what they needed to fully enjoy this trip. Looking forward to more tours like this with Monica in the future. …
I was on the Halloween/Dracula 2019 Tour with Monica as our tour guide. She was absolutely fantastic. I had a great time seeing Romania and visiting sites related... read more to Dracula. I cannot say enough about how great Monica was and aided in making sure everyone...More
Monica was absolutely amazing in helping us organise our 21 day honeymoon in Africa. After a trip through South Africa, Botswana and Zambia we are in absolute awe with her... read more and the team. We had everything we could have wished for and more: 5* hotels, wine tasting, private inland flights with transfers and complex safari activities and trekking of the Vic Falls. It was absolutely amazing. Thank you!
My wife and I recently did a 7 day, Dracula themed Transylvania tour. Monica was an incredible guide who went above and beyond for us. She has a massive wealth... read more of knowledge regarding the history of Romania and tells it in a way that was...More