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+40 764 132 363
The agency organized a great trip during Christmas and New Years Eve in Cuba (Havana, Trinidad, Varadero) and Mexico (Cancun + Chichen Itza). Everything went as planned and we had... read more fun times together with the organizers and the other tourists whom we met there as part of the
I went with Holidaysworkshop in Cuba and Jamaica in may and the trip was amazing.
Everything was well organised and we enjoyed our accommodation: clean and comfortable.
Monica’s... read more local guides where really amazing. They made sure we got plenty information about the places we visited.
We got to see the most worthy places in both Cuba and Jamaica.
When in Jamaica don’t miss the natural beauty of the country. Is not only about beaches but also about wonderful natural beauty like dunn’s waterfalls and blue hole. We had a lot of fun!
Excellent. It was our first experience of group travel and everything was very well organized by our guide, Monica!
The historical wonders such as the Temple at Luxor,... read more the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the Pyramids were incredible - even better than anticipated.
An outstanding feature of this holiday was the relentless pace of travel and sight-seeing.
Thank you, Holidays Workshop for this amazing travel experience!
Monica helped us finding the perfect hotel in Punta Cana.
She offered support before and during our trip and helped us with all we needed.
Highly recommend her services!... read more
One of the most beautiful holidays just ended. Monica took care of everthing so we could enjoy the Jordan tour. the accommodations were very good, the local guide was wonderful... read more and everything was planned up to the last detail. thank you for taking so good care of us! More
Arhipelagul Capul Verde este un arhipelag format din 10 insule locuite aflat in largul coastelor Senegalului in Oceanul Atlantic. A fost colonizat de portughezi in timpul perioadei Marilor Descoperiri Geografice, dar astazi este o republica independenta democratica, una dintre cele mai prospere tari din Africa. Limba oficiala este portugheza, dar multi vorbesc engleza, iar moneda nationala, escudo capverdian este „legata” de euro. Euro poate fi folosit in multe locuri la o rata un pic defavorabila. Ce este remarcabil este ca e o tara extrem de safe, un lucru mai putin intalnit in Africa.
Principala insula turistica se numeste Sal („Sare” in portugheza) si este cunoscuta prin faptul ca beneficiaza de 350 zile insorite pe an, fiind o insula desertica. Nu este o surpriza ca mii si mii de germani si scandinavi s-au mutat in Capul Verde, mai ales in timpul iernii europene. Capul Verde a dezvoltat in Sal o puternica si moderna industrie turistica cu hoteluri all-inclusive. Sal este in general o destinatie favorita pentru familii cu copii, dar si pentru surferi – o coasta a insulei este cunoscuta ca fiind una dintre cele mai bune destinatii pentru surf din aceasta parte de lume. Este o tara extrem de linistita si calma (pana si traficul este linistit si ordonat, lucru rar pentru o tara africana), este una din acele destinatii capabile sa scoata stressul din tine :).
Capul Verde nu se afla in zona de risc de febra galbena si nici de malarie. Pandemia de COVID-19 a fost in general bine tinuta in frau.
Cetatenii romani nu au nevoie de viza pentru a intra in Capul Verde, dar trebuie sa se inregistreze on-line cu cateva zile inainte si sa plateasca o taxa de 3400 (30 euro) escudo fie on-line, fie pe aeroport la sosire.
3 Hours Before Flight Time