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Monica helped us finding the perfect hotel in Punta Cana.
She offered support before and during our trip and helped us with all we needed.
Highly recommend her services!... read more
Family and friends have asked us to post photos and comment on our most recent trip to Romania, curiously, more requests for this trip then other trips we have been... read more on. I will say, Romania was more mysterious, and filled with more contradictions than I could have ever imagined. From the opulent buildings built during the royal dynasties to the stark functional Stalin era apartments constructed for the working class during communist occupation. These buildings were all on display in a haphazard mix along side the modern day life we now know and live. Romania is a country with a dark and unimaginable cruel past, but tempered by a deep faith in Orthodox Christianity. As a travel mate said to us during our stay in Sighisoara, an ancient walled city that was the birth place of Vlad Tepes, “there is a reason Romania has so many churches”. It seems, no truer words were ever uttered. This trip took us in a large loop around the entire country starting in Buchaerest and visiting Sibiu, Turda, Cluj-Napoco, Tihuta/Borgo Pass, Sighisara, Brasov and Bran Castle and then back to Bucharest. We took this trip through Transylvanis Live with 18 other adventurous souls, an amazing tour guide by the name of Monica, who was knowledgeable, kind, fun, and cool under pressure, and a bus driver that must have been trained by a master class driver. Thanks Monica for a one of a kind adventure and enough material for a vampire novel to almost write itself. …
I was on the Halloween/Dracula 2019 Tour with Monica as our tour guide. She was absolutely fantastic. I had a great time seeing Romania and visiting sites related... read more to Dracula. I cannot say enough about how great Monica was and aided in making sure everyone...More
We planned our trip to Egipt through Holidays Workshop. It was an fantastic experience. I didn't expect it will so smooth especially in this pandemic situation. All thanks to Monica... read more for making this happen. It would rate 5/5 for my experience with abroad vacations.
We planned our trip to Egipt through Holidays Workshop. It was an fantastic experience. I didn't expect it will so smooth especially in this pandemic situation. All thanks to Monica... read more for making this happen. It would rate 5/5 for my experience with abroad vacations.
Arhipelagul Capul Verde este un arhipelag format din 10 insule locuite aflat in largul coastelor Senegalului in Oceanul Atlantic. A fost colonizat de portughezi in timpul perioadei Marilor Descoperiri Geografice, dar astazi este o republica independenta democratica, una dintre cele mai prospere tari din Africa. Limba oficiala este portugheza, dar multi vorbesc engleza, iar moneda nationala, escudo capverdian este „legata” de euro. Euro poate fi folosit in multe locuri la o rata un pic defavorabila. Ce este remarcabil este ca e o tara extrem de safe, un lucru mai putin intalnit in Africa.
Principala insula turistica se numeste Sal („Sare” in portugheza) si este cunoscuta prin faptul ca beneficiaza de 350 zile insorite pe an, fiind o insula desertica. Nu este o surpriza ca mii si mii de germani si scandinavi s-au mutat in Capul Verde, mai ales in timpul iernii europene. Capul Verde a dezvoltat in Sal o puternica si moderna industrie turistica cu hoteluri all-inclusive. Sal este in general o destinatie favorita pentru familii cu copii, dar si pentru surferi – o coasta a insulei este cunoscuta ca fiind una dintre cele mai bune destinatii pentru surf din aceasta parte de lume. Este o tara extrem de linistita si calma (pana si traficul este linistit si ordonat, lucru rar pentru o tara africana), este una din acele destinatii capabile sa scoata stressul din tine :).
Capul Verde nu se afla in zona de risc de febra galbena si nici de malarie. Pandemia de COVID-19 a fost in general bine tinuta in frau.
Cetatenii romani nu au nevoie de viza pentru a intra in Capul Verde, dar trebuie sa se inregistreze on-line cu cateva zile inainte si sa plateasca o taxa de 3400 (30 euro) escudo fie on-line, fie pe aeroport la sosire.
3 Hours Before Flight Time