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on the steps of medieval history and modern art – 2 days itinerary

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TripAdvisor Review

  • star rating  A wonderful experience with a group of new friends and the best tour leader in the world, Adel. Is full of knowledge, wisdom and hope, having every time something good... read more

    6 noiembrie 2019
  • star rating  A wonderful experience with a group of new friends and the best tour leader in the world, Adel. Is full of knowledge, wisdom and hope, having every time something good... read more

    Catalina V
    1 noiembrie 2019
  • star rating  The agency organized a great trip during Christmas and New Years Eve in Cuba (Havana, Trinidad, Varadero) and Mexico (Cancun + Chichen Itza). Everything went as planned and we had... read more

    Tibi P
    17 iunie 2019
  • star rating  Best experience I ever had in a Walking Tour. A lot information, pictures and attention. I strongly recommend.

    5 iulie 2018
  • star rating  I was on the Halloween/Dracula 2019 Tour with Monica as our tour guide. She was absolutely fantastic. I had a great time seeing Romania and visiting sites related... read more

    David L
    6 noiembrie 2019
2 days

Today we propose you a great circuit, following the steps of medieval to modern Romanian history, swim in natural thermal waters, trek the caves and discover the art masterpiceas of the great Romanian artist Constantin Brancusi.



What to expect: Pick up from your hotel, go on a historical journey on the steps of Medieval Royal Court, take a bath in natural thermal waters and visit the tombs of the last Monarch of Romania. Second day is another amazing day which will take us through a healthy session of salty inhalation in Salina, visit the famous caves in the National Reservation, visit the houses of local pot artists and visit the original masterpieces of the famous sculptor Constantin Brancusi.

Return home with new memories, great pictures and have a whole better understanding of Romania.

What to bring: bath suits, sunglasses and sunscreen (summer time), proper shoes for trekking in the caves, photo camera and chargers and lots of enthusiasms.

DAY 1:

Around 8 am, we will leave Bucharest in the early morning with the first destination The Royal Court from the city Targoviste, which was the capital of the Romanian County after the 16 th century. Historical evidences show that the city was established before the reign of Mircea Cel Batran- one of the greatest Romanian Ruler, in the 14th century.
We will visit the Royal Court, which was the residence of famous rulers of the Romanian County such as: Mircea Cel Batran, Vlad Tepes (the Impaler, Dracula), Matei Basarab, Petru Cercel. We will be able to see the Palace, the war fortifications, the famous Tower of Chindia and the Paraclis Church-the oldest religious edifice in this area.
We will also visit the Royal Bathroom, the Royal Gardens and the House of the Lady Balasa, where we can enter and see the original rooms.

Around 11.30 am, we will head to Pucioasa- a small city which for over 170 years is famous for the natural thermal waters. Since 1999, has been declared a tourist area and has been modernised with the latest installations for water pumping. We will mind the smell of the water and have a short bath in the natural sulphuric water which has medical recommendation for many conditions such as respiratory system, dermatological allergies, rheumatic and kidney alterations.

Around 13.30 pm, after our relaxing bath, we will have lunch and go to Curtea De Arges- the famous church where all the late Romanian Monarchs are buried. As well, we will find out the legend of the church which says that the construction was possible only with human sacrifice.
The 2 hrs road will take us through small cities with typical houses and nice panoramic views.
Once arrived at Curtea de Arges, we will visit the interior of the Medieval church as well as the nice exterior surrounded by the river Olt.

From here, we will head to Ramnicu Valcea. We will have free time to visit the city.

Accommodation hotel 3* with breakfast included

DAY 2:

 After our breakfast, we will go to Salina Ocnele Mari. Is the largest saline park-10.000 m2 and is located 225 m above sea level. We will take the internal bus which will take us inside the park, which is famous not only for the health benefits that it offers but also for the historical meanings. Here, have been found mining axes which were recorded to be since neolithic times.

After lunch, around 12.30 we will head to Horezu. Here, we will see local artisans who create pots from soil using a traditional way. After this, they will decorate it. All the products here are handmade.

Around 14.00 we will head to visit the Women Cave. The cave which is 3500 m long has many stalactites and stalagmites.
If time allows us we will visit as we’ll the Polovragi Cave. The cave is considered to have been the place where Zalmoxe, the spiritual leader of geto-daci has lived.
Both caves, are part of the Natural Reservation of Gorj county. Both caves, are the house of different species of bats and we can find several types of natural rocks here.

Around 17.00 we will arrive to the city Targu Jiu, which is the city of the great sculptor, painter and photographer Constantin Brancusi, the one who is considered to be the most influential entity of the 20th century in the modern art. We will be able to see some of his original masterpieces exposed in the main park of Targu Jiu.

We will seat at the Table of Silence, kiss under The Gate of Kiss and admire the Endless Column. We will find out the meanings of these operas and capture them in our pictures.
From here, we will head back to Bucharest. Is waiting for us a 4 hrs journey.

Price: 149 euro/person *min. 2 persons. For more than 3 people we can negotiate the price

What is included:
*hotel pick up and drop off
*hotel accommodation 3* in Ramnicu Valcea with breakfast included

What is not included:
*entrance fee: 10 lei-Royal Court Targoviste
*sulphuric bath at Pucioasa
*Entrace fee at Salina Ocnele Mari: 20 lei. Entrance schedule Monday-Thursday: 10-15 (last entrance 14) from Friday-Sunday:10-17(last entrance 16)
*entrance fee to Women Cave – 5 lei*** winter time open from 9-17.00 (last entrance 16.00), summer time open from 9-20.00( last entrance 19.00)
*entrance fee to Polovragi Cave-5 lei *** is open ONLY from 1st April-October. Mondays is closed. Entrance schedule Tuesday-Sunday: 10-18.00
*meals and drinks

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